Privacy Policy


Ondoxa Ltd ("We") takes your privacy seriously. We are committed to handling the personal data about you that We may process ("Data") in a transparent manner, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, and to keeping it confidential and secure.

This Privacy Policy applies to the Data we collect about you as an individual through our website ("site") and your interaction with it. By accessing and using the Site, you agree to this Privacy Policy and to the processing of Data as explained below. If you do not agree with this policy, please refrain from accessing and using our Site.

This version of our Privacy Policy is dated 04/06/2024.

1. What is Personal Data?

Personal data encompasses any information that can identify an individual. Such data may directly facilitate your identification (for example, your full name or email address) or indirectly through the correlation of various details pertaining to you (such as your computer's IP address, credit card number, or telephone number).

2. Types of Data Collected and Processed

The Data that We may collect through your use of our Site are the following:

  • 2.1. The Data you provide to us by registering and using our Site:
    • Your email address
    • First name
    • Last Name
    • Social media username
    • Personal address
  • Exchanges. You may provide us with other Data when you exchange with us through our contact page or otherwise, in which case the collection and subsequent processing is done on your own initiative, and is therefore done with your consent.
  • 2.2. The data that We are led to process automatically because of your navigation on the Site. This data which, with the exception of your Internet protocol address do not contain personal data in the above sense, includes:
    • a) Device information: e.g. your hardware model, operating system version, or the unique identifier of your device.
    • b) Log Information: Information collected automatically as you navigate our Site in server logs includes your Internet Protocol address and information about your device and event information (such as crashes, system activity, browser type, browser language, and the date and time of your browsing activities).
    • c) Cookies and Similar Technologies: these are used to collect and store information when you visit our Website, for example to identify your browser or device.

In order to obtain more information and to learn how and to what extent you can avoid such automatic collection of information, we invite you to refer to our Cookie Policy.

3. Purpose of Data Processing and Use

  • The Data you provide to us by registering and using our Site is processed in particular for the following purposes:
    • Respond to and complete your requests (including providing notifications and answers related to questions you submit).
    • Communicate with you for marketing purposes (information about our products and services, promotions, special offers and other information).
    • Communicate with you for registration, customer service, and informational purposes (including sending you confirmation emails, notices, updates, invoices, and security alerts).
  • Your consent to the processing of your Data for these purposes may be withdrawn at any time by sending an e-mail to: [email protected]. Any request to this effect will, however, be treated as a request to unsubscribe and termination of the contract between Us and will take effect at the end of the current month.
  • The data that We are led to process automatically because of your navigation on the Site may be processed for the following purposes:
    • Provide and improve the use and functionality of the Site.
    • Understand what services and products interest you.
    • Adapt and develop new products and services.
    • Tailor our marketing efforts.
    • Correct errors.
    • Identify users who commit illegal acts or infringe our rights.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

  • Service Providers. We share any of the Personal Information described above with service providers (including but not limited to payment processors, fraud detection vendors, service-related technology providers, and survey administrators) that provide services to you and us, including to help us maintain our databases and websites, administer emails, display content, and analyze website usage activity.
  • These suppliers may access and/or process your Data on our behalf. In accordance with applicable legal requirements, We take reasonable steps to require third parties to adequately protect your information and process it only in accordance with our instructions.
  • Social Networks. You may interact with certain features of our Services that cause certain categories of Personal Information to be published to your social networks. To understand the precise categories of Personal Information shared in this manner, please review the privacy policies of the relevant social networks and/or log out of the applicable service before you use our online services.
  • Within Our Organization. We may share any of your Personal Information with parents, subsidiaries, joint venture partners, and other entities under common control subject to this Privacy Policy.
  • Legal and Similar Disclosures. We may disclose Personal Information about you with law enforcement, the courts, our advisors, attorneys, and others who participate in the legal process, if necessary to do so by law or based on our good faith belief that it is necessary to enforce or apply our contracts, conform or comply with the law or is necessary to protect us, the users of the websites, or others.

Your data will not be sold to third parties, in particular for marketing or promotional purposes.

5. Ensuring the Security and Integrity of Your Data

We implement procedural, technical, and physical measures to safeguard against the loss, misuse, or unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the Personal Information you provide through our Services at a level appropriate given the type of Data involved. However, it is important to note that no transmission of data can be entirely infallible. There exists the possibility that third parties beyond our jurisdiction could unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. Consequently, any transmission of Personal Information to us is undertaken at your own discretion and risk.

6. Preserving Your Information

We retain your Data submitted through our Site as long as you are registered as an active member of our VIP CLUB and until we deem it no longer holds commercial relevance. After you unsubscribe, we reserve the right to retain and use this information for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing agreements.

7. Social Media and Other Websites

We are likely to be present on different networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. When you visit our page within these different networks, you should first read and understand the tools provided by these platforms that allow you to define the way you want to share your Data within these networks.

The privacy practices or policies of the relevant platforms apply to them, and we encourage you to read their applicable privacy policies, terms of use, and other information about how your Data is processed there.

In addition, our Site may contain references or links to other websites and social media, including through social media feeds; if you follow these links, you will leave our website. Access to and use of these sites is your responsibility. We have no influence on the form and content of the sites to which they link.

8. Data Protection Rights

As Data Controller, Ondoxa Ltd is committed to respecting the confidential nature of User personal data and guaranteeing the full exercise of the rights below. Some of these rights apply generally while others will only apply in certain circumstances. Depending on the scenario, these rights may be subject to some limitations.

Subject to exceptions under the applicable laws, Users will have the following rights:

  • A. Access to Personal information. Users can ask, free of charge, to confirm what information the Company processes about them, to provide certain information about the processing, and for a copy of their information.
  • B. Rectify Personal Data. Users can change or ask the Company to change or correct their information where that information is not accurate.
  • C. Delete Personal information. Users can delete or ask us to delete some or all their information. The User also has the right to ask us to delete or remove its Personal Data where it has exercised the right to object to processing.
  • D. Object to the processing of Personal information. Users have the right to object to the processing of their information in certain cases. The right to object applies when the processing Users are objecting to is relying on legitimate interest or public interests as a legal basis. In submitting an objection request, Users should explain what specific processing activity they are objecting to and why the processing should be stopped. We will stop the processing if we do not have compelling legitimate grounds to continue that processing or do not need it for legal claims.
  • E. Port Personal information. Users have the right to data portability in some circumstances. This means that Users have the right to receive their information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and to share it with a third party.
  • F. Restrict the processing of Personal data. Users have the right to request the restriction of the processing of their information where (1) they are challenging the accuracy of the information, (2) where Users need the information to be retained for the pursuit or defence of a legal claim, (3) the information has been unlawfully processed, but they are opposing the deletion of that information, or (4) Users have objected to processing and they are awaiting the outcome of that objection request.

Users also have the right to complain to a supervisory authority about the processing of their personal data.

To exercise any of the above rights, the User is required to contact us by email at [email protected] explaining his request in writing, providing sufficient information for us to verify the User's identity, and specify the specific right User wishes to exercise. Before We can respond to a request to exercise one or more of the rights listed above, Users may be required to verify their identity or account details or provide additional information so that We can understand the issue.

9. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The legality and execution of this Privacy Policy shall be overseen by Irish law.

Any dispute arising directly or indirectly out of these Terms and Conditions and the Contract shall be submitted to the competent court of the Customer's domicile where Ondoxa Ltd is the plaintiff, respectively to the Court of Waterford where the Customer is the plaintiff.

10. Updates

From time to time, we may revise this Policy to reflect changes in the law or technology, or changes in our practices regarding information collection and use. If we make material revisions to the way we collect or use your Personal Information so that we are using it for purposes or sharing data with third parties that you have not consented to, we will provide you with notice of those changes and may do so by announcing the change through our services. You agree that we may notify you about material changes in the way we treat Personal Information by placing a notice on our Site. You should check our online services frequently for updates.

Any changes to this Policy will become effective as of the Effective Date on the top of this page. By continuing to use our Services after the most current Effective Date, you will be deemed to have understood and agreed to such changes. If you do not agree with the terms of this Policy, as it may be amended from time to time, in whole or in part, please do not continue to use the Services.

11. Communication

To reach out to Ondoxa Ltd, you can email our support team at [email protected] or call us at +33 1 88 31 26 27. You can also send your request by post to: Ondoxa Ltd, Ground Floor, 14 Parnell Street, Waterford, X91 DW0H, Ireland.

Merci de patienter...